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What is a board-certified attorney?

What is a board-certified attorney?

In Texas, attorneys can take a specialized exam called a board certification exam.  And a board-certified attorney is an attorney who's achieved a special level of competency by handling a certain number of cases.  You've got to show a board down in Austin that you completed or successfully handled a certain number of cases.  You also have to get recommendations from other state's attorneys that you've had cases against.  You get recommendations from judges as well.  And then you also take a specialized test, kind of like the bar exam only it's limited just to that area of specialization.  But it's very, very hard, just like the bar exam. 

 And if you satisfactorily pass that test and have the other areas completed as well, the recommendations, and show proof that you've handled a certain number of cases, then you get that special designation of board-certified. 

 I am a board-certified attorney.  And so that shows that I've achieved this special level of competency in workers' compensation law.

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