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When my husband was killed in the oilfield, I had several attorneys working for me. John Gibson was the only one that took my calls no matter what time of day. He worked tirelessly for me until he won my case.

Patricia T
Husband Killed in Oilfield

After getting injured in an oilfield explosion, I struggled to support my family and take care of my wife. I had many lawyers working for me, from John Gibson to the big firm lawyers. But when it came time to settle my case, I went to John Gibson to explain my settlement. I trust him because he has stood by me and has been there for me every day of my case to answer questions and encourage me.

Joe M
Oilfield Explosion

I have been a client of John Gibson's for seven years. First, when I got injured on the job. Then, when the insurance company tried to stop paying me the compensation Mr. Gibson got for me. John Gibson has been there for me every step of the way. He fought for me against some of the largest insurance companies in the world. Because of him, I am able to still provide for my family and help send my girls to college.

Larry L.
Client Hires John Gibson Again and Again

I didn't think John Gibson would take my case because the amount of money involved was so low, but Mr. Gibson told me it wasn't the size of the money but the size of the wrong. He fought my case like it was the biggest case in his office. He got me the small amount of money that was taken from me, but more importantly, he proved I was right. He gave me back my dignity.

Tim W.
No Case Is Too Insignificant

As a stay-at-home mother, when the insurance company denied me and my children the death benefits from my husband being killed on the job, I was devastated. How would we survive? I was put in touch with John Gibson. His office got my case heard quickly. When I found out we won, I couldn't believe it. Because of John Gibson, my children have a house to live in. I am so thankful.

Monica S
Husband Killed in Plant Accident

We have over 25 years experience in injury law.

There is no substitute for experience. You can go to the finest law school and have perfect grades but if you haven't experienced every trick in the book that can be thrown at you by the other side, you are at a competitive disadvantage.

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Workers' Compensation

When you are injured on the job, whether the injury is your fault or the fault of others, you can get compensation and medical treatment. Call us to find out more.

Car Wrecks

Automobile collisions are a leading cause of injuries in the United States. If you are in a car wreck, call us to get compensation for your injuries and get your vehicle repaired. Fast.

Trucking Wrecks

The trucking industry has numerous laws and regulations that must be followed. When  in a collision with a big rig, you need a lawyer experienced and knowledgeable in these laws and regulations. John Gibson is that lawyer.

We are sure we can help you.
Get in touch with us to discuss your situation.